What you need to know



The two types of energy

The Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) University Program is currently open to all universities that participate in the Forces AVENIR (FA) recognition program.

The program is divided into two types of energy or funding streams: Start-up Energy and Growth Energy.

Start-up Energy

Funding for a start-up project that is in the design stage.

Growth Energy

Funding for a project that is already ongoing, which will help enhance it and provide momentum for growth.


The roles

Several people interact within the Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) University Program.

Their roles are as follows:

The student or group of students

  • Register and carry out the project;

  • Prepare the funding application and/or the funding renewal application and have it signed by the student responsible for the project;

  • Receive the funding from ÉS that was remitted to the educational institution;

  • Follow up on the project’s development with the administration at the educational institution;

  • Prepare the accountability report and have it signed by the student responsible for the project;

  • Notify ÉS of any changes that have had a major impact on the funding (example: end or postponement of the project);

  • Keep all receipts and any other supporting documents related to the project management for twelve (12) months for verification if required.

The support person (recommended)

  • Act as a mentor and be available to the student or group of students throughout the project.

The Énergie Scolaire Program representative at the university

  • Be available to the students throughout the project;

  • Provide information about the ÉS Program and promote it in the university community;

  • Validate the eligibility of the funding applications received;

  • Establish and maintain, every year, a jury at the university made up of three (3) to five (5) people and make its membership publicly available;

  • Coordinate the selection process and stages for the university jury such as:

    • The receipt and consultation of application files,

    • The university jury deliberative meeting,

    • The choice of winning applications and transmission of results to ÉS;

  • Approve the project by completing and signing the “Support of the administration at the educational institution” section on the funding application and/or funding renewal application forms completed by the student(s);

  • Coordinate the receipt of funding from ÉS by the educational institution and transfer it to the student or group of students;

  • Ensure the funding is used appropriately and approve the accountability form completed by the student or group of students;

  • Complete and sign the “Certification by the administration at the educational institution” section on the accountability report to confirm its compliance.

  • Facilitate the relationship between the funded student or group of students and the support person, who will act as mentor (recommended).

The Énergie Scolaire team

  • Provide the ÉS Program representative with the information and the promotional materials related to the ÉS Program so they can be posted and distributed at the university and make it easier to share them if required;

  • Assist the ÉS Program representative and students throughout the funding period and answer any questions regarding ÉS;

  • Ensure the development and oversee the operations relating to the functioning of Énergie Scolaire.


The funding

The proposed amounts for the Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) University Program range from $2,000 to $2,500 annually and are awarded based on the two types of funding: Start-up Energy and Growth Energy. They take into account a distribution of funded projects by institution.

A university is eligible to receive a maximum of two (2) funding allocations: one (1) for Start-up Energy and one (1) for Growth Energy.

At the end of the process, eighteen (18) projects will be chosen for each energy category.

Énergie Scolaire funding is paid in two (2) installments:


of the amount upon approval of funding;


after submitting the accountability report.

Please note:

  • At the end of the project, if there remains an unspent amount that is equal to or less than this 10%, ÉS will deduct it from the 10% to be paid. If the unspent amount exceeds 10%, the institution is responsible for reimbursing ÉS.

  • To ensure that funded projects are properly monitored, ÉS reserves the right to verify on a random basis any information provided in the financial report. In such cases, the support person must be able to provide ÉS with copies of their receipts. Verifications can be carried out up to one (1) year after the date the accountability report was submitted.


Projects may receive funding for a maximum of two (2) consecutive years. Therefore, projects are eligible for a renewal of funding only once and only for the year following the first funding. However, funding is not automatically granted the second year.

Project categories

Science and Technology

Project of a scientific or technological nature which involves research, experimentation or popularization and/or seeks to improve or foster innovation in the field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics or computer science.

At this time, only projects in the Science and Technology category are eligible for funding from Énergie Scolaire.

The Forces AVENIR Foundation (FAF) and Forces AVENIR (FA) will make the necessary representations with government agencies and private companies so that projects in the other categories are also eligible to receive funding in the coming years.


Project focusing on the environment, be it in the area of sustainable development, environmental protection, recycling, reuse, recuperation, natural resources or environmental education.

Art, Literature and Culture

Project pertaining to the performing arts, visual arts, cinema, arts and crafts, literature, architecture, design or heritage.

Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice

Project aimed at promoting community service, humanitarian cooperation, social inclusion and open-mindedness, the respect of human rights or the establishment of a just society.

Entrepreneurship, Business and Social Economy

Project relating to economic development or to the creation, expansion or recovery of a business venture.

Health and Healthy Living

Project linked to health awareness and prevention, research, or improving public health in areas such as physical activity and fitness, mental health, nursing, diet and medicine.

Society, Communications and Education

Project of a social nature linked with communications, education or political action which addresses social issues or public concerns.



To be granted funding, projects must meet the following eligibility criteria:

The project must correspond to the definition of the category in which it is submitted;

The university of the student submitting the project must be a participant in the Forces AVENIR (FA) University Program;

The project may be carried out in the context of a course if the time required to carry out the project greatly exceeds the context of the course itself;

The project must be carried out primarily by students;

The project must be endorsed by the educational institution;

An initial application for funding or for a renewal of funding for the project must have been submitted. It should be noted that funding for a project obtained through the Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) Program is offered for a maximum of two (2) consecutive years.

Important note

A project that has been awarded a FA grant for excellence is eligible for the ÉS Program and vice versa.


Funding conditions

To obtain funding from ÉS, the students must meet all the eligibility criteria listed above and submit a complete funding application file.

On receiving the payment, the students agree to:

  • Respect the budget proposed in the submitted funding application while ensuring that all expenses related to the project are eligible;

  • Validate and approve any other expenses directly related to the project that were not included in the budget;

  • Notify ÉS of any changes that have had a major impact on the funding (example: end or postponement of the project).


Selection process

The selection process at the university level begins with an initial selection at each university.

The stages of the selection process for the Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) University Program are as follows:

  • Registration and submission of the projects by the students;
  • Validation of the eligibility of the funding applications that have been submitted;
  • Carry out an initial assessment of the funding applications, by the members of the jury at each university;
  • Selection of a maximum of two projects per type of energy, by the jury;
  • Invitation of a maximum of four (4) teams of the selected projects to a selection interview;
  • Assessment and compilation of the results;
  • Selection of the projects that will receive funding.
Forces et critères

Strengths and selection criteria

Applications are assessed by the members of the jury using the following Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) Strengths and Selection Criteria Grid:

Application files must provide examples that show that the project team members possess one or more of the following strengths.

  • Self-confidence

Believing in one’s potential and one’s ability to adequately respond to a situation.

  • Level of awareness

Sensitivity to others and the issues at stake in the world around us.

  • Sense of responsibility

Willingness to get involved and the ability to honour one’s commitments.

  • Leadership

Ability to influence and inspire others as well as prompt them to rally around a common goal.

  • Resourcefulness

Autonomy, ability to take initiative and show resourcefulness when solving problems and responding to unforeseen events.

  • Perseverance

Determination and ability to take on challenges, show resilience and complete projects.

  • Life balance

Reconciliation of academic results, extracurricular projects and personal life.

  • Expected tangible results (25 points)

The expected tangible results refer to the project’s objectives.

  • Relevance (10 points)

The relevance of the project refers to its intended impact.

  • Communications and promotion (10 points)

Communications and promotional strategies used to reach target audiences.

  • Activities (5 points)

Activities carried out to achieve the project’s objectives.

  • Scope and influence (5 points)

Scope and influence refers to the number of people involved in carrying out the project and the number of people impacted by its activities.

  • Innovation (5 points)

Innovation refers to a project’s original, forward-thinking or audacious nature.

  • Project support (5 points)

Support for the project that helped implement it or strengthened its influence.

  • Governance (5 points)

Governance refers to the management principles and methods used by the project team members.

  • Sustainability (5 points)

Sustainability refers to the sustainability of the project’s positive impact.


Ready to apply?

15janTous les jours22Période d'inscription15 septembre au 22 janvier 2021

17févTous les jours16marPériode de sélectiondu 17 février au 16 mars 2022

15marTous les jours19Divulgation des résultatsentre le 15 et le 19 mars 2022

Toutes les demandes, incluant les demandes de renouvellement, sont traitées une fois par an selon ce calendrier.

Préparation du dossier

Preparation of application files

Funding applications are made directly on our registration platform. An eligible funding application must contain the following:

  • The funding application form duly completed and signed by the support person and approved by a member of the administrative staff at the educational institution. Each section of the form collects a different type of information:

    • General information

      • Name of the educational institution

      • Name of the project
      • Names of student(s), support person and staff members involved in the project
      • Project category
    • Funding information
      • The amount requested, which can vary from $2,000 to $2,500 depending on the needs to achieve the project’s objectives
      • A detailed budget proposal including expected revenues and expenses

    • Information relating to the strengths of the candidates and compliance with the selection criteria

  • Three (3) to five (5) photos of each student in their environment

  • The consent form signed by everyone who is photographed and/or filmed, giving Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) permission to use the photos and videos.

Énergie Scolaire Guide


To prepare a quality application file, please download the Énergie Scolaire Guide which contains additional information that will help you complete your application on our online registration platform.

Download the guide

Tips and advice!

  • Follow the instructions provided carefully when completing the form.
  • Your application must contain all the duly completed and signed forms.

Submission of applications


Accountability of funded projects

At the end of the funding period, the student or group of students must be accountable to Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) for the management of the project by completing the accountability report available on the call for projects platform. The report must be submitted on line, once a year, on the agreed dates on the calendar established by ÉS.

The student or group of students must report their financial activities (financial report) and the actions and achievements (activity report) implemented during the funding year in order to enable ÉS to determine whether the objectives were achieved and whether the funding was used to achieve them.



The jury is made up of three (3) to five (5) people and consisting of staff members, students or people outside the university with expertise in the ÉS project categories.

The juries have the same structure for all seven (7) program categories.


Participating institutions

The Énergie Scolaire (ÉS) University Program is currently open to all eighteen (18) universities that participate in the Forces AVENIR (FA) recognition program.


Funded projects